Our Team – Pastors and Staff
“Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”
– Ecclesiastes 4:12
Lead Pastor
Pastor Randy has been the Lead Pastor of Trinity Life Center since May of 1995. A 1978 graduate of Vanguard University, he spent three years playing professional baseball as a member of the Philadelphia Phillies organization. For ten years he was a youth pastor in Southern California, before coming to Las Vegas as our Senior Associate Pastor in 1990. He is married to Pam, the love of his life, and together they have raised three wonderful daughters — Brandie, Ashley, and Lindsey who have given them 7 incredible grandchildren.
In 2008, Randy became the Founder and CEO of the City Impact Center, through which services have been provided for over 150,000 people in the greater Las Vegas area. The CIC is an ever-expanding extension into our community to meet the myriad of needs we find here. Currently, the CIC houses a Charter School, a pre-school, an after-school program, a night school for GED and ESL, a food bank, a medical clinic, an urban garden, low-income senior housing, a Saturday homeless feed, and an anti-Sex Trafficking initiative. We are in the planning stages of developing more senior housing, and eventually, desire to build a hospital. We also renovate houses in the neighborhood, house an IT Company, and have developed a sign company. Randy has been the Men’s Director for 450 churches, a Police Chaplain, has been involved with FCA, and he is currently challenging Las Vegas Pastors to come together and pray.
Senior Associate Pastor
Pastor Vic grew up on the Las Vegas Strip where he was a cook, a parking attendant, and a bellman. Vic married his high school sweetheart and the love of his life, Sara, in 1974. He met Jesus at the Flamingo Hilton in 1981 and came to Trinity Life Center. Vic is a graduate of Berean Bible College and an ordained Assemblies of God minister. In 1983 he was called into full-time ministry and began to serve the church in many areas.
Presently, Pastor Vic is the Senior Associate Pastor and oversees the pastoral staff and ministry activities of TLC. He is responsible for concerts, special events, and Family Life Ministries. Additionally, he is the Director of the City Impact Center, overseeing the day-to-day operations and playing an integral role in bringing Pastor Randy’s vision to fruition.
Pastor Vic is affectionately known as, “the church chef” and “the youth pastor for adults.” Vic is the proud father of 4 grown-up children and the proud grandfather of eight.
Associate Pastor
Pastor Mike serves as our Children’s Pastor and has worked with both children and youth for well over 20 years. He is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God denomination and has received his schooling through Global University. Mike’s wife, Marjorie is an ultrasound technologist and both their children Morgan and Lucas are full-time college students. Pastor Mike oversees all children’s activities including Girls Ministries, Royal Rangers, Kids Church and is also our City Impact Center After School Program Director.
Louie Pleitez
Music and Worship Director
Pastor Louis Pleitez serves as Trinity Life Center’s Music and Worship Director. Multi-talented, Louie is an accomplished vocalist, who plays multiple musical instruments. Louie has been leading worship, in churches since he was 14 years old. Louie is the son of former Pastor Luis Pleitez and is following the footsteps his father laid out before him.
Louie is originally from Burbank, California but moved with his family to Las Vegas at the age of 8 when his father was called to plant a church. Due to the lack of musicians, Louie’s father put his kids into the worship team, with himself at the lead at bass, his son on the piano, and his daughter on the drums. This was the start of a purposeful calling for Louie. As he continued to grow, so did his relationships, which is where he met a former Trinity Life Center Worship Pastor and connected with him. Together they led the Sunday morning worship at Trinity for several yeas, and also led worship for the Spanish church that meets on the TLC Campus.
Youth Pastor
Daniel Kline is the youth pastor for IgNite Student Ministries here at Trinity Life Center. Daniel and his wife Jinay are passionate about discipling young people and leading them into freedom in Jesus Christ.
In 2012, Daniel graduated from the Men’s discipleship program called Centrum, which was founded by our very own Kleg Seth. It was there that he gave his life to Jesus and discovered his calling to youth ministry. After graduating the discipleship program, Daniel served as a staff member for some time before joining Youth With A Mission. Daniel completed a discipleship training school with YWAM which included an outreach to Uganda and Kenya and he later completed a leadership training school at the YWAM base in Colorado.
Daniel is originally from Philadelphia Pennsylvania and has lived in Las Vegas for 17 years.
Pastor of Young Adult Ministry
Oretta Andrews is Pastor of our Young Adult Ministry, called Relentless Ministry and Campus Evangelism. Rev. Andrews has been attending Trinity Life Center since 2003 and in 2008 she became a member. During that time she completed The Pathway Discipleship Training Course.
Sis. Andrews was born in May Pen Clarendon in Jamaica where she earned her Associate’s degree in Business Communication and Secretarial studies at Fritz-Henley’s Secretarial College. She migrated to Barbados where she became married and had her beautiful daughter, Su-Hannah Ashira, Ayah Andrews. She enrolled in Samuel Jackman Polytechnic Vocation college where she obtained her degree in Massage Therapy, and skin esthetics. She worked as Spa Manager with Soothing Touch Day Spa in Christ Church, Barbados. While working at Soothing Touch Day Spa, Rev. Andrews answered the call to ministry and enrolled in Barbados Bible College where she studied for three years and earned her Bachelor’s degree in Bible and Theology before she migrated to the United States with her daughter Su-Hannah. Rev. Andrews Became a Licensed Minister with the Assemblies of God after she completed her credential qualifications with Global University in Springfield, Missouri. She is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Bible and Theology with Global University and her Associate’s degree in Psychology with Community College of Southern Nevada. She is now on staff at Trinity Life Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. She is a firm believer in fulfilling the Mission of the Kingdom and honoring the Mission of her Senior Pastor.
Associate Pastor of Prayer Ministries
Barbara has been in active pastoral ministry at Trinity Life Center as Pastor of Prayer since 2002. She was active in the American Baptist Association since being licensed in 1984 and ordained in 1993. She has ministered in most of the Eastern, Northeastern and Midwestern United States, many of the West Indian Islands, West Africa, South America, and Israel. She is a former interim Pastor for Plains Presbyterian Church in Plains PA and Associate Pastor for Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Wilken-Barre, PA, where she served as Director of Christian Education, Youth, Sunday School, Music Ministry for Choir, and Missionaries. She has four daughters, Wilma, Dainty, Madeline, Helena; eight grandchildren of which Aja Johnson is the eldest, and six great-grandchildren of which Antraye Johnson is the eldest.
Pastor Barbara hosts a Gospel Radio Talk Show at KKVV (1060AM) and KKVV Live on the internet throughout the world, every Wednesday at 3:30 PM. She has completed and released her book on prayer, “100 Healing Prayers and Scriptures” which is available at bookstores and our church.
Connect Point Director
“Larry Wayne” has come back to TLC after spending seventeen years playing one of the principle roles in Broadway’s, The Phantom of the Opera; having spent the last nearly seven years at the Venetian Hotel’s, Phantom production. However, before becoming a professional performer he was our Minister of Music in the 1980’s.
Larry is originally from Ventura, California and after high school earned a Bachelor of Music Education Degree from Oral Roberts University. Later, he completed his Master’s Degree in Vocal Pedagogue and Performance from Texas Christian University in Fort Worth. He eventually spent fifteen years in full-time church ministry.
While assisting our Christian Education ministry Larry continues to travel and perform in various secular venues including the last two Presidential Inaugurations in Washington D.C. and the Annual Profiles in Courage Award Ceremony at the Kennedy Library in Boston as well as many Church-related ministries. Larry holds ministerial credentials with our Fellowship, the Assemblies God.
Creative Arts Pastor
Tony grew up in Michigan where he accepted the Lord at age 16. He is married to Kimberley, his awesome love and best friend. He graduated from North Central Bible College in 1984 and began traveling the Nation performing Christian Comedy and Drama.
From 1989-1994 he hosted a syndicated weekly Christian Comedy television show entitled, “The Handy Family Comedy Hour”. He has also been an Associate Pastor and Head Pastor. He and his 4 children traveled the country for almost 5 years performing original Christian music as “Handyband”.
His passion here at Trinity Life Center is to empower God’s People through the performing arts to use their God given talents to see people come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Associate Pastor for Senior Adults / Remember Me
Kleg joined the TLC staff in January 2005 and is serving as the director of Remember Me Ministries and SAMS (Senior Adult Ministries). He is a graduate of California Lutheran University and majored in Theatre Arts. Kleg serves on the Centrum Board of Las Vegas, a year live-in discipleship program for men. Centrum was founded by Kleg in Hollywood in 1977. Kleg was casting director on the motion picture The Cross and The Switchblade. He is involved with Media Fellowship International here in Las Vegas. His son, Nathaniel, graduated from Trinity International School. His daughter, Sarah, lives in Oregon with Kleg’s two granddaughters.
Jazmin Ochoa
Administrative Assistant
Christina Holt
Administrative Assistant
Marilou Woodard
Accounting Manager
Get Connected

Trinity Life Center
1000 E. St. Louis Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89104
E-mail: [email protected]
To be a community of believers, prayerfully committed to making disciples of all nations who will discover and utilize their God-given gifts in ministry to others.
Sunday Morning
10:00 am - Sunday Worship Service - In-person and on-line services begin at 10 am
9:00 am - Insights Prayer Service and Connect Point Sunday School Classes
Wednesday Night
7:00 - 8:00 pm - The 2:42 Club - Join us on line via Zoom!
Thursday Morning
10 am - Noon - Mountain Movers - Sanctuary - Thursdays
Global Prayer Network Friday – 10:00 am 3:00pm
Virtual Online Prayer (updated – English version)
Password: GPN247