About Trinity Life Center
Trinity Life Center is able to minister to hundreds of families a week through the services and ministries offered across its campus. Over the past 50 years, TLC has aggressively pursued its goal of worldwide ministry, establishing new churches in the Las Vegas area as well as other parts of Nevada. Our world missions ministries literally envelop the world!
As Las Vegas has grown, Trinity Life Center has endeavored to keep pace with new visionary ministries.
Click on the links to discover our vision, what we believe and who we are. If you have a question, please contact us for more information.
A Letter from the Pastor
Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for browsing through our website! I hope you are able to get the feel of a church right in the heart of Las Vegas with a rich history of enjoying the Presence of the Lord when we gather. He has been so gracious to just love on us and draw us close to Himself, and give us a passion for those who are hurting all around us.
We have every urban issue you can think of that we face every day, and again, the Lord has been so kind to allow us to feed the hungry and give medical attention to those who have no insurance. We have at- risk children from some tough neighborhoods that come to a safe environment and have some fun while learning about how much Jesus loves them!
It really is a fun and challenging place to minister, but if you come and join us and catch the spirit of all we are attempting to accomplish for His glory, you’ll lay your head on your pillow at night with a sense of joy and fulfillment, knowing that you have made a difference in someone’s life. And isn’t that really what it’s all about? Love God, and then figure out how to love yourself enough to really reach out and make a difference in the lives of others.
Thanks for praying for us as we are for you. If you are ever able to do so, please come and join us here in Las Vegas at Trinity Life Center.
Pastor Randy & Pam
We Invite You to Worship With Us
City Impact Center Videos
For more information about City Impact Center, visit their website: http://www.cicnv.org/
Our Purpose

We believe that a Christian grows most effectively as a whole person when they choose to belong or connect to a local church community where God’s unconditional love is fully emphasized and expressed.
We believe that the local church must actively disciple and assimilate new believers into the local church and that it is absolutely vital that they are given a combination of purposeful group Bible study and dedicated personal care

We believe that a Christian will most effectively experience the support and care for the total person that God’s unconditional love provides when they choose to belong to a small group of fellow believers who are committed to one another and meet on a regular basis.
We believe that many people who come to Christ and others who attend or belong to the local Church fellowship have deep hurts and negative behavioral patterns that need mending and that assured recovery requires a Christian counselor and/or combination of small group and dedicated personal care.

We believe that God’s ultimate purpose for every Christian is to change their values and make them like Jesus Christ in thought, character, and action, resulting in a person who has a salting or positive effect on society and demonstrates through their words and deeds the light and love of the Gospel.
We believe that in the Beatitudes, Jesus succinctly gave the world the essence of His value system and that personal growth in His character is accelerated and greatly enhanced when these truths are studied and then discussed within the context of a small group.

We believe that personal, small group, and corporate prayer is absolutely vital to every Christian’s spiritual life. It is a discipline that must be learned and constantly maintained if we are to fulfill Christ’s work on earth.
We believe that pastors and full-time elders are specifically called by God to devote a significant portion of their daily work time to prayer. They are to equip and lead the believer into a deeper understanding and relationship with the Lord.

Reach Out
We believe God deeply loves lost people compelling every Christian to build relational bridges to the unconverted where they can authentically demonstrate God’s love and share the gospel in terms that are sensitive, relevant, and non-threatening.
We believe that the evangelization of lost people must take place on the three interrelated levels of meeting social needs, building authentic relationships, and conducting corporate events that are sensitive to the cultural biases and needs of unchurched people.
We believe that, at times, God moves sovereignly in ways we don’t always understand to reach unconverted people, and that the local church body should pray for and remain open to such a move of God’s spirit.

We believe that through salvation God has bestowed upon every Christian spiritual gifts that blend with their personality, talents, and resources and that they pre-determine each believers’ place of ministry in the body of Christ.
We believe that in order for every Christian to serve effectively, the local Church leadership must help them discover their God-given uniqueness, provide or encourage relevant ministry structures, and place them in compatible areas of ministry service.
Get Connected

Trinity Life Center
1000 E. St. Louis Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89104
E-mail: [email protected]
To be a community of believers, prayerfully committed to making disciples of all nations who will discover and utilize their God-given gifts in ministry to others.
Sunday Morning
10:00 am - Sunday Worship Service - In-person and on-line services begin at 10 am
9:00 am - Insights Prayer Service and Connect Point Sunday School Classes
Wednesday Night
7:00 - 8:00 pm - The 2:42 Club - Join us on line via Zoom!
Thursday Morning
10 am - Noon - Mountain Movers - Sanctuary - Thursdays
Global Prayer Network Friday – 10:00 am 3:00pm
Virtual Online Prayer (updated – English version)
Password: GPN247