Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Our latest service / or live event is displayed below prior to next live stream)






OK, somebody please remind me to never preach about suffering ever again! It would seem that the Lord has brought me and Pam into such a season of suffering with our daughter Lindsey, that just maybe I could actually have some depth about me when I preach on suffering. Why can’t we just stay superficial, and talk about the good things of God and a faith that removes mountains?

I am convinced that the Scriptures are commanding us to come to the understanding that we must learn how to rejoice in our suffering. It’s the only way to join into the “Fellowship of His suffering “ and therefore make it redemptive. If Jesus offered up prayers and pleadings with loud cries and tears (Hebrews 5:7), then shouldn’t we? Shouldn’t we come underneath and help bear the burden others are carrying?

Look, no one likes to have fun in church more than I do. But how would we ever become more than conquerors if we don’t endure hardship and distress and persecution with the correct attitude? You think the team that wins the Super Bowl today didn’t experience all of this? They have to play with pain and perform under pressure, all the while enjoying themselves and having fun in the process. “No Cross, No Crown.”

Here’s the wonder: our suffering is not for nothing. God takes it and uses it for something beautiful, something far beyond what we could ever imagine. What’s that going to look like concerning our Lindsey, who is scheduled to have her entire tongue removed on March 12th? I don’t know, but Pam and I are beyond grateful that you, our church family, have come along beside us, and are helping us to bear this burden.

Let’s do it…with tears, and sorrow and pain…and Laughter! “Our present suffering cannot be compared with the glory about to be revealed to us.” (Romans 8:18)

Rejoicing in suffering,

Randy & Pam


Video Announcements

"Hello Trinity Life Center Church family! We want to extend a warm welcome to all our visitors today. We’re thrilled to have you with us and hope you feel right at home. We invite you to join us for our Sunday services at 10 AM, where we come together to worship and grow in our faith.

We also have some exciting upcoming events that we can’t wait to share with you. Mark your calendars and get ready to join us for these wonderful opportunities to connect, grow, and serve together!"

Sunday, February 9th, 2025 Kingdom Kids “Love in Action” Pastor Mike Husli

Join Pastor Mike, his helpers, and his puppet friends in this about “Love in Action”. This engaging and fun-filled session will include:

  • Games: Exciting and interactive games that will get everyone involved and help illustrate the lesson.
  • Puppets: Our beloved puppets will make an appearance to bring the message to life in a way that kids will love and remember.
  • Uplifting Music: Energetic and inspiring songs to sing along to, making worship a joyful and memorable experience.
  • Scripture Verse: Now there is Faith, Hope, and Love. But the Greatest of these is Love. 1 Corinthians 13:13


“Trinity Life Center is a church that believes

in the teachings of the Bible.”

Global Prayer Network Friday – 10:00 am 3:00pm

Virtual Online Prayer (updated – English version)

Password: GPN247


Prayer Request and Praise Report Form

Please, if you have a prayer request or praise report for yourself, your loved ones, friends and others, take a moment to complete this form and let us stand in prayer with you.  Thank you and God bless.

Prayer Request or Praise Report?

Passionate Worship


Trinity Life Center
1000 E. St. Louis Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89104


E-mail: [email protected]


To be a community of believers, prayerfully committed to making disciples of all nations who will discover and utilize their God-given gifts in ministry to others.


Sunday Morning

10:00 am - Sunday Worship Service - In-person and on-line services begin at 10 am

9:00 am - Insights Prayer Service and Connect Point Sunday School Classes

Wednesday Night

 7:00 - 8:00 pm - The 2:42 Club - Join us on line via Zoom!


Thursday Morning

10 am - Noon - Mountain Movers - Sanctuary - Thursdays

Global Prayer Network Friday – 10:00 am 3:00pm

Virtual Online Prayer (updated – English version)

Password: GPN247