Lighthouse Ministries
A video recap of Lighthouse Ministries and our community outreach. You may think your light is small, but it can make a big difference in other people’s lives. Let your light shine!
For more information, contact Christina Holt at the Church office (702-734-2223).
Mission Statement
Our call is to EMPOWER the Body of Christ while REACHING out to GUIDE people to Trinity Life Center, where they may fellowship and grow in the Word of God.
“Be a Beacon of Hope”
- EMPOWER…Your Testimony! (Rev. 12:11)
- REACH…out to others through the authority given by Jesus (Matt. 10:7-8)
- FULFILL…the Great Commission by spreading the Gospel (Mark 16:15)
- GUIDE…others around obstacles and stand with them through trials
- INVITE…Friends, family & community to join us here at Trinity Life Center
“How Can YOU Be a Beacon of Hope?”
- Sign up at the Lobby Desk Sunday mornings, at the church office, or email [email protected]
- Receive information regarding upcoming “skill share” training and fellowship. (Dates TBA)
- Learn the JOY that comes from living a lifestyle of Christianity within a group and in your daily life – Reach others at apartment communities, malls, parks, and more.
- Join the team and meet at a designated location and time every 2nd Sunday of each month.
See What We Have Been Able To Do
Ministering to Mom Through Kids
Simple set up: Table, books, and signs offering free prayer and books.
Our ministry had a wonderful time at the beach and we are looking forward to future trips to parks and more. The young mother loved allowing her boys to select books from the table. Before leaving, we prayed together. She agreed to read the books to her children.
Teryn & Her Bird Loki
Teryn was so grateful for the book. She asked for us to pray for people in the world to not be full of darkness. We told her that darkness, by definition, is the absence of LIGHT…
Henderson Family
Instead of praying on their behalf, we asked the young man if he would like to lead the prayer. He accepted and we stood in agreement, in awe of our God, as the Light of Christ shined through this courageous young man.
Note Given to a Young Mom at Macy’s in the Meadows Mall
God put it on my heart to write this. I had no idea who I would meet but knew that when I was supposed to, I would know to give this to you.
Jesus loves you. He knows you are carrying a heavy burden, but He wants you to give it to Him. Ask Him to walk with you and to let the Holy Spirit guide you.
I don’t know you, but God does. In Jesus’ name, I break the bondage of unforgiveness. Forgive…forgive those who have hurt you…and mostly forgive yourself. Jesus already has.
You are loved! God Bless!
“I would love to have you pray for me. Can you talk with me for a few minutes?”
– Ahtziri, Mom at Macy’s
Trinity Life Center
1000 E. St. Louis Ave
Las Vegas, NV 89104
For more information call Christina Holt (702) 494-9771 or email at [email protected]
Christina Holt, Outreach Evangelist
Raised in a Christian home, Christina knew of Jesus at an early age; however, life choices led her down a different path; one that included alcohol. Along the way, she became exposed to abuse and working the nightclub scene. The combination only deepened her dependency on alcohol and although she eventually escaped the abuse and left the club lifestyle, the alcoholism remained.
Fortunately, in 2014, she attended a luncheon here at Trinity Life Center. The following day, on December 7th, she gave her life to Jesus Christ. Two months later she was baptized. She began to volunteer and join in community outreach events, discovering that leading others to Jesus would be her purpose. Exactly 6 months after being saved, she began a new life without alcohol. She has now been sober since 2015.
Christina’s testimony is what drives her to encourage and empower others. Through Lighthouse Ministries, she believes that it is our stories and our scars that can be lighthouses to guide others through their storms. She marvels at a God that doesn’t stop at Love, Forgiveness, and Grace; but reveals purpose and ensures that pain is not wasted. This allows each of us to BE a BEACON of HOPE.
Get Connected

Trinity Life Center
1000 E. St. Louis Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89104
E-mail: [email protected]
To be a community of believers, prayerfully committed to making disciples of all nations who will discover and utilize their God-given gifts in ministry to others.
Sunday Morning
10:00 am - Sunday Worship Service - In-person and on-line services begin at 10 am
9:00 am - Insights Prayer Service and Connect Point Sunday School Classes
Wednesday Night
7:00 - 8:00 pm - The 2:42 Club - Join us on line via Zoom!
Thursday Morning
10 am - Noon - Mountain Movers - Sanctuary - Thursdays
Global Prayer Network Friday – 10:00 am 3:00pm
Virtual Online Prayer (updated – English version)
Password: GPN247